Ohio Workers Comp client back injury successful claim

We are sharing this story, first published November 2019, in honor of our dear friend, Chris (Ritter) McCabe, wife of Dave, as she entered into glory June 12, 2024. When you see Dave, give him an extra hug. 

This month, we asked our clients, Dave and Chris McCabe, to share a bit of their story in their own words. They have become special friends of ours over the past three years, since Dave’s bad back injury and two particularly outrageous Industrial Commission orders we had to appeal to court. We are thankful for them and glad to report that we were recently able to bring his claim to a successful conclusion. 

"My wife Chris and I have been married for 38 years, and we first knew of each other after we graduated from high school. She ran a pizza house located at a shopping center, and I ran a gas station located on the corner of the shopping center. I would buy sandwiches and pizzas from her. 

A couple of years later, I was attending an evening service at a small local church, as I usually did on Sundays, and I was walking to the education building from the sanctuary. As I opened the back door to the sanctuary, Chris was standing there, preparing to come in. I looked at her and said, “What are you doing here?” She answered, “You are mine,” and that was the start of our relationship. We dated for a couple of years and then split up, going our separate ways. After about five years, God brought us back together, which led to our marriage. 

After 30 years of working maintenance in the personal-care industry, I ended up coming to New Albany, Ohio, to help with the startup of a new facility. I commuted 100 miles six Ohio workers' comp success story days a week to work a 10- or 12-hour shift and then drive the same back home. After two years, we moved to the Columbus area to eliminate my commute to work. 

Little did we know that on Aug. 8, 2016, my career would come to a tragic end. In the years since, we have suffered through many lows, including financial difficulties, surgery, and my inability to walk unassisted. But in spite of all these things, we trust that God will be by our sides and bring us through all the tribulations. One thing is for sure: We still have each other."

James Monast
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Board-Certified Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Columbus, Ohio