Many work injury victims qualify for more than one type of payment. In our legal blog, we explore different kinds of benefits available to injured employees, including workers’ compensation and filing lawsuits against an employer.
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How Are Workers’ Compensation and Disability Income Insurance Different?Both workers’ comp and disability insurance help out when you’ve been hurt and cannot work, but the similarities end there. Learn about the differences.
Understaffed Workplaces Are Prone to Accidents and InjuriesWhen a workplace is understaffed, accidents and injuries are more likely to happen. As Ohioans see labor shortages, workers’ comp claims could be more common.
How Many Duties of Your Occupation Can You Perform?Understanding the fine print in your long-term disability insurance is key to determining whether you are eligible for benefits. What does your duty clause say?
Should I Open an Ohio New Workers’ Compensation Claim for a Recurring Injury?In Ohio, if your employer insists that you reopen an old claim for a recurring injury rather than filing a new claim, discuss your options with an attorney.
Injured on the Job as a Nursing Assistant? You Might Qualify for Workers' CompAn occupation with one of the highest injury rates in the U.S., nursing assistants face many hazards on the job. But they should not have to work if injured.
We Can Help With Your Denied Disability Benefits No Matter Where You LiveEmployee benefits are governed by federal law, so appeals need not be handled in the state where you work. We take ERISA claims from any U.S. state.
How to Report an Injury at WorkLearn how to file an injury report when you are hurt at work in Ohio and when you may need a workers' comp attorney to help you get the benefits you deserve.
Workplace Altercations Can Lead to Workers’ Comp Claims in Certain SituationsInjuries caused by a fight at work may be compensable by workers’ comp if the claimant was not the instigator and the origin of the assault was work-related.
How Do I File A Workers' Comp Claim in Ohio?An injured worker can file a workers’ comp claim by completing the First Report of Injury and mailing it or delivering it in person to any BWC service office.
Why Was Your Workers' Comp Claim Denied? You Might Not Believe the Answer!You might be shocked to learn why your Ohio workers' comp claim was denied. We consider some of the surprising reasons worker's comp claims are denied.
You Must Prove That an Injury Happened at Work to Qualify for Workers' CompEstablishing the cause of a workplace injury and documenting the time frame of the accident and medical treatment will be vital to your workers' comp claim.
What to Bring to a New Client Meeting at Monast Law OfficeTo make the most of our first meeting to discuss your workers' comp claim, it helps if you come prepared with certain documents.