Filing your workers’ compensation claim can be a long and frustrating process. In our blog, we examine common problems in workplace injury claims, including how to appeal when a claim is denied and what medical evidence you may need from your physician.
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Workers’ Comp Voluntary Abandonment Doctrine Replaced by New StatuteNew legislation in Ohio replaces the voluntary abandonment doctrine based on case law. The new statute could impact injured workers who leave their jobs.
Ohio Legislature Codifies the Voluntary Abandonment DoctrineNew workers’ comp laws go into effect on September 15, 2020. We consider what this might mean if you retire or leave your job while collecting benefits.
One Legal Option When the Ohio Industrial Commission Denies Your PTD ClaimIf the Ohio Industrial Commission denied your workers’ comp PTD claim despite a recommendation from the BWC, filing an action in mandamus might be an option.
You Can Qualify for Workers’ Comp Multiple Times Throughout Your CareerPeople working in hazardous jobs often get injured multiple times during their careers. In these situations, Monast Law Office is here for you!
Make the Most of Your Virtual Worker’s Comp Doctor’s Visit With These TipsIn these times of limited access to general healthcare, you may need to do a virtual doctor visit. We provide tips for making the most of your exam.
Jim Monast Will Be There for You Whenever You Need HimOhio workers’ comp claims, denials, and additional allowances can mean your case will need attention for years. Attorney Jim Monast is there for his clients.
Don't Let the Short Application Period Keep You From Filing for Workers' CompOhio recently shortened the window for applying for workers' comp after a workplace accident. We consider the impact of this change.
Make Sure Ohio Workers’ Comp Pays Your Medical BillsOhio Workers’ comp should cover all job injury-related medical expenses, but you must follow the correct procedures to get approval.
Workers Can Become Ill Through Workplace Exposure to Harmful SubstancesIncidents of workplace exposure to harmful substances or environments have steadily increased over the last few years. What does this mean to Ohio workers?
What If Your Ohio Workers’ Comp Light-Duty Work Isn't a Real Job?If your employer can accommodate the limitations caused by your work injury with a light-duty job, you must take it—unless it is not a good-faith offer.
Being Fired While Out on Workers’ Comp May Stink, But it's Probably LegalCollecting workers’ comp doesn't offer you any special job protection. You cannot be fired for filing a workers’ comp claim, but you could still lose your job.
Workers’ Comp and Modified Work for Post-Concussion SyndromeWork-related head injuries should be taken seriously. If you were diagnosed with a concussion, you might qualify for Ohio workers’ comp while you recover.