Filing your workers’ compensation claim can be a long and frustrating process. In our blog, we examine common problems in workplace injury claims, including how to appeal when a claim is denied and what medical evidence you may need from your physician.
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Burn Injuries Not Uncommon on Ohio Construction SitesConstruction sites have multiple hazards that could spark a fire. Burns and other injuries caused by fire could lead to a workers’ comp claim.
What To Expect At Your Ohio Workers' Comp HearingKnowing what to expect at your upcoming workers' compensation hearing in Ohio can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety these hearings create.
Hazards Faced by Roofers in OhioOhio roofers are often injured on the job. Workers’ compensation is an insurance program that should cover their medical bills, lost wages, and recovery.
When You Can Manage a Workers’ Comp Claim—and When You Shouldn'tThere are some Ohio workers’ comp claims that can be handled by the injured worker without the help of an attorney. Learn what can complicate a claim.
THE OHIO BWC’S NEW LUMBAR FUSION RULE IS NOT “BETTER WORKERS’ COMPENSATION”The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation implemented a new rule regarding the authorization of lower back fusion surgery which does not help the injured worker.
The Tenth District Court of Appeals Issues Significant Decisions Regarding PTD and Voluntary AbandonmentThe Tenth District Court of Appeals recently overturned a decision by the industrial commission denying PTD based on a faulty analysis of voluntary abandonment.
Warehouse and Construction Workers Injured in Forklift Accidents Deserve Workers’ CompensationIf you're injured in a forklift accident at a warehouse or on a construction site in Ohio, our workers’ comp attorney can help you get the benefits you deserve.
Employed at a Small Business in Ohio? Don’t Let Friendships Get in the Way of Filing for Workers’ CompYou may feel uncomfortable filing a workers’ compensation claim when you work for a small, family-owned business, but you shouldn’t. Learn why.
Get the Benefits You Deserve If You Experience Work-Related Hearing Loss in OhioHearing loss can be an occupational injury. Discover how it happens and what you may recover in an Ohio workers’ compensation claim.
An Accurate First Report of Injury (FROI) Will Get Your Ohio Workers’ Comp Claim Off to the Right StartYour Ohio workers’ compensation claim begins with a First Report of Injury form. It is important that you fill it out accurately and completely.
Injured Nurses Are Entitled to Workers’ Compensation BenefitsWere you injured while working as a nurse in Ohio? Discover the risks nurses face on the job and how they can get help with their workers’ comp claims.
Distribution Center Employees in Ohio May Struggle to Get Approval From the BWC for Workers’ Comp Benefits After an On-the-Job InjuryDistribution center workers have dangerous jobs. A workers’ comp attorney can help you get the benefits you need to recover from workplace accident injuries.