Filing your workers’ compensation claim can be a long and frustrating process. In our blog, we examine common problems in workplace injury claims, including how to appeal when a claim is denied and what medical evidence you may need from your physician.
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Will Workers’ Comp Cover Dry Needling as Part of Your Physical Therapy Treatment?Were you injured on the job in Ohio? If your physical therapist has recommended dry needling treatments, learn about your workers’ comp eligibility here.
Ohio: Mental Injury Must Be Caused by Physical Injury; It Need Not be ContemporaneousOhio doesn't provide benefits for purely mental injuries, there must be a causal relationship between a claimant’s physical injury and his or her mental injury.
Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim With a Pre-Existing ConditionLearn more about pre-existing conditions and how you can obtain workers’ compensation benefits when work conditions aggravate your injury or cause a recurrence.
5 Mistakes to Avoid to Protect Your Work Injury ClaimAvoid these five common pitfalls to protect your Ohio workers’ compensation claim and obtain the maximum compensation you deserve after a work injury.
DO NOT BE “EXHIBIT A” FOR WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER TALK TO THE BWC SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT (AKA “FRAUD SQUAD”)If you've been approached by the BWC Special Investigations Unit, don't talk with them voluntarily. Learn why they are NOT your friend and can hurt your case.
5 Common Misunderstandings About Workers’ Compensation Cases In OhioHere are helpful tips if you have been injured at work. Avoid these common pitfalls to best protect your compensation and medical treatment before its too late!
Lithium Treatment Could Offer New Option for Traumatic Brain Injury SufferersA recent study offers news about lithium treatment for those suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Discover how it could help after a work injury.
New Law Reduces Workers’ Time to File an Injury Claim and Enacts Other Key ChangesA recently approved bill will enact significant changes to the Ohio workers’ compensation system. Discover if these new rules will affect your injury claim.
The Opioid Epidemic and the Injured Ohio Worker: Know the RisksOpioid addiction and related deaths are on the rise in Ohio and across the country. Learn more about this epidemic and how it relates to the injured worker.
Are You at Risk? The Top 6 Most Dangerous Jobs in OhioLearn more about jobs in Ohio that leave workers most at risk for work-related illnesses & injuries, and discover what factors contribute to workplace dangers.
Construction Workers at Highest Risk for Traumatic Brain Injuries on the JobConstruction workers face significant risks for traumatic brain injury on the job. Discover what these injuries are and how to prevent them.
Firefighters With Cancer Can Now Receive Workers’ Compensation Benefits in OhioNew legislation has extended workers’ compensation benefits for firefighters, allowing them to pursue a claim if they are diagnosed with job-related cancer.